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CNE Foundation

About the CNE Foundation


Building on the rich legacy and tradition of the Canadian National Exhibition, we inspire community building by investing in innovative initiatives.


Empowering community. Improving lives.

The Canadian National Exhibition Foundation is a public foundation and registered charity. The philanthropic arm of the Canadian National Exhibition Association, we fund programs year-round to make a positive impact on the lives of individuals and the community in support of our vision: “Empowering community. Improving lives.”

Our funding pillars are: Agriculture and the Environment, Arts and Culture, Industry and Entrepreneurship, and Community Building.

Charitable Business Number: 118834639 RR 0001

CNE Foundation Spring 50/50 Winners

Congratulations to the winners of our spring fundraiser!

Partial proceeds from the spring fundraiser support the CNE Foundation’s new Smiles on Faces Program. Working with our charity partners, we aim to provide all-expense-paid visits to the CNE this summer for 25 vulnerable children and their families. Raffle proceeds also benefit the CNE Foundation’s community and youth programs as the charity recovers from pandemic impacts over the past two years, including our community grants, scholarships, and youth sports and arts programs.

Sincere thanks to all ticket purchasers and to our amazing prize sponsor!

DrawTicket #PrizeWinner
Grand PrizeA-1151821$8,208 Cash Grand PrizeHolly Fraser – Toronto, Ontario
ConsolationA-1711570Hotel X Toronto StaycationJoe Gordon – Etobicoke, ON
ConsolationA-3199035Hotel X Toronto StaycationEdlyn Meneses – Toronto, ON
Early Bird #1A-63891322022 CNE RAD Pass 4-PackJazel dela Paz – Scarborough, ON
Early Bird #1A-86527782022 CNE RAD Pass 4-PackSonia Dierick – Vanessa, ON
Early Bird #1A-70824902022 CNE RAD Pass 4-PackWendy Aube – Brampton, ON
Early Bird #1A-60401662022 CNE RAD Pass 4-PackTBD
Early Bird #2A-1739008Hotel X Toronto StaycationJennifer Beckett – Waterloo, ON
Early Bird #2A-3114121Hotel X Toronto StaycationJazel dela Paz – Scarborough, ON
Early Bird #3A-8089536$500 Cash PrizeAmy Renton – Pickering, ON
Early Bird #3A-2575374$500 Cash PrizeDalrene Dorman – Colborne, ON

Winners, please contact us at to claim your prizes!

Must be 18 years or older to participate. Please play responsibly. License number RAF1243220. Free Health Services Information can be found at or by calling 1-866-531-2600.

Giving to the CNE Foundation

At the CNE Foundation, we are dedicated to making a difference in the lives of individuals and the community through our community and youth programs. These initiatives are made possible through the generous support of the CNE community, people like you. There are number of ways that you can help and that suit a variety of individual and group giving goals.

Young boy with cotton candy sitting on a step
Ways to Give

There are a number of ways that you can help make a positive community impact. Learn more.

Image of two young children climbing out of a midway ride.
Our Donors

We are grateful for the support of our donors. Learn more.

Image of a speaker addressing a crowd of people in the Enercare center.
Sponsors and Partners

Together with our sponsors and partners, we are making a difference. Learn more.

Image of four individuals conversing.
Donor Levels and Benefits

With your gift, you qualify for donor recognition opportunities and benefits. Learn more.

Image of the angel that's on top of the Princes' Gates.
AFP Code of Ethical Standards

The CNE Foundation has adopted the AFP Code of Ethical Standards. Learn more.

Image of two hands typing on a laptop.
The Donor Bill of Rights

We are committed to earning and maintaining your trust as a donor. Learn more.

Our Programs

With the support of the CNE community, the CNE Foundation is able to help make a difference in the lives of individuals and the community on a year-round basis through our charitable programs.

CNE Archives Project

The Canadian National Exhibition Foundation is on a mission to save priceless CNE memories. It’s a race against time to digitize and preserve more than 64,000 photo negatives in the CNE archival collection before the precious images are lost forever. You can help save the CNE’s history for future generations!

Smiles on Faces Program

The CNE Foundation’s new Smiles on Faces Program will treat some of the GTA’s most vulnerable kids to an unforgettable day of fun, memories and smiles! You can help a child take a break from their real-life challenges for a day and help put a smile on their face.

Community and Youth Programs

Community support of the CNE Foundation’s fundraisers throughout the year enables us to sponsor a number of Community and Youth Programs that make a lasting impact on the lives of young people.

fountain with a garden around

Community Investment

The CNE Foundation is committed to supporting organizations that share our community vision and whose mandates fall within one of our core funding pillars — Agriculture and the Environment, Arts and Culture, Industry and Entrepreneurship, and Community Building.

Eamonn O’Loghlin Scholarship Fund

The Eamonn O’Loghlin Scholarship Fund bestows grants to assist outstanding post-secondary students pursue their studies. Students employed by the CNE or Exhibition Place, who work at the annual fair, are eligible to apply.